Thursday, July 22, 2010

Babies, Queso, and the Black Bands

This is how Callie and Addison spent every day. Playing babies together - they were hilarious. Callie would line them ALL up in her bed at night and want to sleep with ALL of them. I think she enjoyed having SO many dolls all at once!
We got to go to the Y pool for lunch and got to see their waterslide! Harrison showed the boys how fun the slide was, and then Josiah and Jacob took the swim test so they could enjoy the slide too. All the kids get a black band (necklace thing) when you pass, so they thought that was pretty cool too.
Mrs. Beth did the slide too in an attempt to convince Jackson, but to no avail. Jackson took the swim test that afternoon and earned his black band, but the slide just was too overwhelming for him. :)
After naps, I rounded up some of the kids to come with me out to Moe's to collect our free queso. The outing got even better when I found out that an order of chips came along with each cup of queso! So we walked out with 6 cups of queso and 6 bags of chips - for free!!!
Having our "appetizer" before dinner...the best part is that Harrison & Jackson had never had it...Jackson still refused it, but Harrison tried it and LOVED it! :)
Jacob is my queso boy - he LOVES it! Would probably eat it with a spoon if I let him! He was SO excited to have his very own cup of queso!

Back to strolling around with the babies...all 12 of them piled in the stroller! :)
She and Addison would go round and round - it was so cute.
Pretending to take naps....these girls were so cute. They really played so well together and were just adorable. They are both tough as nails because of what they have to endure from their brothers, but they are girly girls at heart! :)


anthonyandbeth said...

the y pool was really fun. i tried my best to convince Jackson but he would have nothing of it. :) the babies in the stroller are hilarious! and thank you for introducing Harrison to queso! :)

Mandy said...

Jacob just lights up any room he is in with his smile! His whole face smiles. So cute!