These pictures must have been from this morning while I was running...because I don't remember taking them :)

Those curls - I could just die! LOVE them! :) I had a great run this morning - I am totally loving this fall weather! It was beautiful, cool out, and I finally got to step DOWN in my mileage for the first time....well, in this whole training plan! We've been going up, up, up, but this week only had to run 10 miles (last week was 12). Felt good, except for when I discovered that somebody took my gatorade that I had planted for myself. GRRRR....

I got home and showered very quickly and then headed off to O'Charley's for breakfast. Our youth group was doing a pancake breakfast fundraiser for their fall retreats and David and I both bought tickets (we gave our extras to our neighbors....students are smart to ask BOTH spouses who don't get to really see each other all Sunday morning....we BOTH bought them!). We were quite the sight with both of us having a baby in our arms. Everyone would look at me, then do a double take - trying to figure out who the extra baby was! :) Joseph LOVED it!

Breakfast - always a favorite for this clan - was a hit. Jacob ate 6 pancakes, and Josiah ate 3 pancakes, 3 sausage patties, and 3 strips of bacon. Amazing.

We played outside for a couple of hours once we got home because the weather was just unbelievably nice. The boys practiced flag football (their first practice was Thursday night) with David while Callie and Joseph and I played. (Caleb was taking his morning nap). After everyone had GOOD long naps (myself included...it was heavenly), I got up to get Joseph out of the pack & play...but Callie beat me to him! She had already hopped in there and brought a toy for them to enjoy! :)

Joseph is up on his feet SO much more than the last time we saw him in August! This boy seriously is a dream. Doesn't cry. Ever. (Well, except when Caleb is kissing his head all the time). He's Mr. Goodtimes. I love him. To pieces!

He was "walking" around with David with this HUGE grin on his face. David would stop and then Joseph would laugh and sign "more! more!". Adorable.

The only thing better than taco night is getting to eat it outside on the deck. With NO gnats or flies! :) Have I said how much I am loving this weather?

I had to take these pictures...when we were playing outside before lunch, the kids had a ball with the chalk. Anyone else know any 7 year olds who like to draw math fact families in their driveways? :)

And of course we traced everyone. Our neighbors next to us have a 3 year old girl and 2 year old boy - they played outside with us and we had a ball. They all wanted themselves traced and then their dad joked me that my driveway looked like a crime scene with all these body outlines on it! :)

After dinner, we went for a walk around the neighborhood...just because it felt SOOO good!! Callie LOVES to push Joseph's stroller, so we decided to let her (instead of taking the double). She also decided to wear his sunglasses :)

Could they be any cuter together?

The boys are really enjoying their bikes! They'd turn down every court and go down the BIG hills and then come up with these huge grins on their faces. :)

Of course we needed a popsicle after our walk...and Callie LOVES to help feed Joe.

This one knows what to do with a popsicle!

Bath time! David washed the younger 4 while I gave Josiah his piano lesson :) He did a great job too - he's the best!

I think they are conspiring together about something!

A great day! Not much on our agenda, which I LOVED. Great fun family time outside. LOVE that. Great run. Great nap. Aaaahhhh. We'll see how well it goes tomorrow getting everyone to church...without David to help me with the extra baby! :) So far so good though - we are LOVING this!
looking at jacob in the tub with the younger ones makes him look so big! i had to do a double take! looks like a fun day ~ we are loving this weather also.
sounds like a perfect day! glad YOU got a nap!
A perfect saturday for your family...
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