Because they probably miss him already, I'm putting aside my obsessiveness about blogging in order...and am uploading these pictures from this morning NOW. I have days of other posts that need to be uploaded, but they'll have to wait...because they might be missing him already.
My sister Kelli & her husband Scott are celebrating their 10 year anniversary with a trip to Rome...sans children! We are repaying the favor they gave us by keeping our kids for our 10th anniversary 2 years ago. Joseph gets to be the newest little Schrodt for the next week and a half!!
They arrived late last night and stayed the night with us. The boys got to see them briefly when they woke up this morning before heading off to school.

Jacob was VERY excited to READ for Aunt Kelli! :) (I'm SO proud of him...he is doing so well....there's another post about that coming soon...)

Breakfast was quite exciting - everyone had things they were trying to tell Kelli & Scott...and I was working at trying to get them out the door for school on time! :) Jacob was asking Aunt Kelli if she can spread all her toes out like he can (I can too - but we're the only ones in our family! :) )

The cousins...always hilarious to watch together. This little episode by the piano was priceless....they both came crashing down...not totally sure what happened...

....still not sure what transpired....

ah-ha!! NOW I know what happened! Caleb was caught in the ACT!!!

I suppose Tutu would be proud of the sight of her smallest two grandsons fighting over the piano! :)

Joseph found this stacking ring and discovered it fit perfectly on his wrist...and there it stayed for the next few hours!

The goodbye picture! :)

See the ring? Still on his arm! :) Joseph loved driving the car outside!

Two little hoodies on two little cuties!

While Caleb was taking his morning nap, Joseph got to have a little snack...some fig newtons! He liked them a lot!! My kids won't eat them, so I was glad to find a taker! :)

...and Callie helped me make a cake (Called "Darn Good Chocolate Cake") for dessert tonight (from my cake doctor cookbook...LOVE that!). We're having neighbors over for dinner :)

Joseph knew the sound of the electric mixer immediately! He did a pretty good job on the spatula! :)

Not more than 20 minutes later, I came downstairs from switching loads of laundry and Callie had "stolen" (meaning gotten without permission...something we are working on...) some Cheez-its from the pantry...but at least she was sharing with Joseph! He was a willing participant in her crime!
We are so excited for a fun, few weeks with Joseph! I hope he's ready for us!! :) At least you know you'll be hearing alot from me during the next two weeks. I told Kelli I'd do my best to keep the blog updated so she can check in and see what's happening with Joe. Maybe I'll even get caught up with my other posts! :)
so good to see that you are back! baby joe is going to have a ball at your house with your children (and you). isn't if fun being an auntie?
*sigh sniff sigh* this just reminds me that my go to person if an emergency arrives is WAY too far away. have not found anyone to replace her yet ~ umm, that's you if you recall! it is fun doing that for others in a bind but i have yet to replace that since changing churches. good thing the grandparents are close enough to pitch in every once in a while. oh, did you show josiah the pictures of sam skiing? once this summer sam asked that since we were in the state between the two families why you couldn't just meet us 1/2 way at the lake. did not quite get that although the state is between us that doesn't make the drive equal for both parties!
well, this is more like an email than a comment. sorry, but you L.O.V.E...L.O.V.E...L.O.V.E... when i ramble!
oh, been raining too much to make it to the post office, hopefully one day next week.
love you friend.
can i make my reservations to drop our kids off on our 10 year anni?? :)
you are the best Katy! i know kelli knows it and i'm sure Joseph has figured it out by now. :) this is such a wonderful thing you are doing for your sister and i know she will never forget it!
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