Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mr. Schrodt's Last Day as a Seahawk!

Wednesday was David's last day of teaching. He said it was quite surreal. Since it fell on April Fool's Day, he told his kids that this whole quitting and moving for a new job was all a big joke. A few of them were quite confused! :) It has been a wonderful experience for David working there these last 7 years. An amazing staff to work with, and David has really done a great job rebuilding the math department there. He will miss them for sure!

We started the morning off with Lucky Charms - it's David's favorite cereal and he only gets it on vacation!
Off to work for his last day as an ASCS Seahawk!

David and Mr. Jones. He is one of the bible teachers at school, and the two of them have spent COUNTLESS hours studying, talking, and debating theology. They both have a tremendous love of the Scriptures, and absolutely LOVED studying it together. David's really going to miss him.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Praying for you David as you embark on this new adventure and start a new career! Praying that the Lord will order your steps, enlarge your territory and pour out His blessings on your new ministry!