Thursday, April 9, 2009

Kindergarten Easter Egg Party

On Thursday, a few of the moms and I got to help with the Easter party in Josiah's class. I always love going into his classroom and watching him with his friends. It also makes me appreciate his teachers even more - that is such a busy class! I know you've heard me say it before, but 22 kids (18 of them boys) is a FULL kindergarten class!!! The kids were excited for their party. They've been learning all about the resurrection eggs for the last few weeks, and even learned their bible verses in Hebrew. It's been a great month for them.
Jacob & Callie helped the other moms and me hide the eggs out in the courtyard and then the kids were let loose! No lie - they probably had found them ALL in 60 seconds flat! It was unbelievable! Afterwards, they finished up their "He Is Risen" craft to take to the nursing home and decorated cookies. A VERY fun last day of school before spring break!
Sorry - these are out of order. But this is Josiah CAREFULLY counting eggs to make sure he has his allotted 12 eggs...
He's the one in the orange shirt (by the air conditioner) hunting his eggs.

Do you get an idea of the mach speed these boys were running at??

Jacob and Callie loved being RIGHT with Josiah at his table. Sometimes it bothers Josiah when they get in his way at school...he works so hard and is so focused there - he doesn't want them to mess up anything he's supposed to be doing.

1 comment:

anthonyandbeth said...

he is looking more and more grown up! these kids are just getting too big!