Saturday, August 4, 2012

My Babies!!

We picked up our kids from Beth halfway between the conference and her house - I was so glad to see my babies again!  Beth is a DEAR friend to take my 4 kids for 4 days - we could NOT have gone without her willingness to keep them.  They had an absolute blast (as I knew they would) - THANK YOU!!!!  I missed them so much (although during the meltdowns from a certain little girl on the way home, I was missing the quiet of the hotel room)...


anthonyandbeth said...

She really did save all her meltdowns for you :). Would do it again in a heartbeat. Love your kids!

Courtney said...

wow...that IS quite amazing! to take 4 kids! (i'm sure they were perfect, but still! it's 4 kids!)