Sunday, August 26, 2012

It's A......Boy Again!!

 On Saturday evening, I got a text message from Kelli that she had been having contractions for quite a while and they were staying pretty regular.  I was FLOORED - her due date wasn't until September 10!!  But it certainly looked like this baby was coming early!   I was information central, so I texted my parents and sisters that Kelli was off to the hospital.  She and Scott took Joseph to my sister Kristen's house, and she headed to the hospital late that night only to be sent home shortly before midnight.  She was annoyed.  I told her not to worry about it - that her body was definitely getting ready and she should have a good night sleep.  Sent a text message to the family telling them it was a false alarm and good night.

Was up feeding Judah this morning at 6:30 am only to get a text from Scott saying they were BACK at the hospital, Kelli had been admitted, and the baby was coming today!!!  I couldn't believe it - I figured it would be another few days at least, but no!!  Sent ANOTHER text to the family saying this time it was for REAL - and the excitement began!  I kept my cell phone very close to me, and will confess to texting during church as Scott was keeping me posted on Kelli and the baby.  :)  I couldn't believe that just two weeks after having my baby, Kelli was in labor!  My mom was a total mess - she had JUST gotten home from being at my house and helping with MY new baby!  All during our pregnancies, she had said she was so worried that we'd have our babies at the same time and she wouldn't be able to be in both places at once!  :)

Kelli did great and baby Samuel James was born that afternoon and weighed 7 lbs 3 oz.  I was thrilled that he came before my kids' choir kickoff that evening - I don't know that I would have been able to text during that!  :)  He was happy and healthy and everyone was doing GREAT!  It's a good thing I didn't go late with Judah or maybe they would have shared a birthday!  :)  Welcome to the family Baby Sam!!

Big brother Joseph and Little brother Samuel

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