Monday, August 13, 2012

Settling In

 Proud big sister - she is totally in LOVE with her brother!
 I often have extra hands and eyes very close by wanting to see exactly what Baby Judah is doing!
 Bath time!!

 He didn't like it....too cold...and who likes laying on the counter?  

But OH I love a nice clean baby!!

Today was class assignment day for the kids.  A MUCH anticipated day because they get to finally find out who their teachers are going to be!!  David took the three older kids up to the school to find out their teachers and pay all their fees ( is such a chunk of money!)  I gave him all of the paperwork that I had already filled out, told him what to turn in to the PTA, and asked him to put $20 into each of the kids' lunch accounts.  They take their lunches 90% of the time, but I let them buy lunch a couple of times a month as a treat (and a help to me on a rough morning frankly!).  

When he got back home, the kids were SUPER excited about their teachers and I asked David how all of the paperwork and everything went.  He said it was fine and commented on how much money it all was.  When he started giving me a rundown of the money he spent, he said he paid their fees and then paid for 20 LUNCHES for each of them, which was $50 a piece.  OH my - I told him to just put $20 on their accounts and he did $50 for each one.  I guess they are set for the next year now!  :)  He's doing his best though, and I appreciate him taking them!! :)

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