Saturday, April 24, 2010

So Long, Insecurity!

On Saturday morning, I had the priviledge of attending the Beth Moore simulcast titled "So Long, Insecurity". It was based on her new book that came out several months ago by the same title. It's a WONDERFUL book - I'm almost done with it - and is very eye opening about a lot of things.

You all know how much I love Beth Moore. Her biblestudies push me deeper into the Word of God than anyone else's. She cracks me up like no one else does. I have done her studies every week, 2 semesters a year, for the last 7 years...until this year. I had to take a break this year to get our little family settled and adjusted. It was the wise decision for me, but a hard one. So it was SO good to hear Beth's voice again! :)

The boys were supposed to have soccer games that morning, so the plan was for David to drop Caleb and me off at the church early and then take the big boys and Callie to soccer. He'd swing by after soccer was done to pick Caleb up and then head home for the afternoon until I was done. But he called 5 minutes before the simulcast started and said their games got rained out and he could come get Caleb if I wanted him to. YES - thank you! He took him home and took care of all 4 kids for me so I could sit and soak in the message. Caleb got to have his normal naps and even took a bottle (YAHOO!!) without a problem.

I loved the day - loved the message that Beth brought, loved some time just for myself, loved the break, loved digging deeper into a passage of Scripture that I've read a thousand times but saw in a whole new way. It was great. Travis Cottrell leads worship for Beth at these conferences and he was awesome, as always. Our worship ministry is doing his newest worship CD (called "Jesus Saves") for our worship concert in a few weeks. It is amazing music and so much of it is STRAIGHT Scripture. I love that! (And David loved that I got to "practice" my music!) :)

Get Beth's book, get Travis' CD, and you'll be good to go for a while! :)


dandsratz said...

How WONDERFUL!!! We had a ton of ladies from our church there too, and all I've heard was HOW good it was!!!! I'm actually going to see her live in Richmond in August, and cannot WAIT!!!! I laughed so hard...Denise told me that she started Saturday with "How can you start a study on Insecurity, and ask insecure women to go buy a book on about security!!" that's hilarious!! :)

anthonyandbeth said...

it WAS so good! truly brought my attention to a subject i didn't ever give much thought too...spiritually. been putting on the new self quite a bit over here. :) and loving how freeing it is!