Friday, April 2, 2010

A Day at our (fake) beach

We were so excited that Callie's birthday fell the way it did on the calendar this year. It was on Friday, which meant David was home, and because it was GOOD Friday, it was the first day of Josiah's spring break - so the whole family got to be together all day! Hooray! We decided to spend the afternoon - a BEAUTIFUL afternoon - at our "fake" beach....the lakefront by the dam. We had a great time!

This kid cracks me up - Jacob just laid on down on the sand....the rocky sand....but he was happy as a lark playing whatever it was he was playing! :)
Caleb loved crawling all over the place...and didn't eat too much sand!

David laid down for a bit and Jacob decided to try it too...
....Jacob was trying to convince me that he was taking a nap at the beach (so he wouldn't have to take one at home)....
Callie and I were standing at the water and she saw this piece of bark floating by. She serious as can be...."Oh look Mom. There's some bacon!" That's my girl! :)


anthonyandbeth said...

can't beat a fun family day in the water and sand! the bacon comment is HA-larious!

sandi said...

i actually just laughed out loud and am still cracking up while writing this.