Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Not the 4 month post I was hoping for...

Things started going downhill on Monday night.  Judah was warm when he woke up from his afternoon nap.  His face was also kind of splotchy and he just wasn't quite himself.  He woke up on Tuesday at 4 am from coughing and then crying...poor guy.  I was thankful that his 4 month well check was already scheduled for that morning...because I had a feeling he wasn't totally "well".

 It was hard to get a picture of the rash on his legs because he doesn't stay still very well!  :)

 His appointment was at 9:30 am.  The doctor walked in and saw Judah and said "well! no shots for him today!"  After listening to him, he decided to test for both flu and rsv - both of which came back negative thankfully.  He took some blood (levels came back very high) showing infection and decided he wanted us to go over to the hospital for a chest xray.  Ugh.  He was concerned about the rattling he heard in his chest (he has had a little cough that we'd been watching since his ear infection a few weeks ago, and it got worse on monday) and wanted to see if it was pneumonia.  
 The rash, he said, was an exterior sign of his body fighting the infection.  He looked pitiful.  The doctor gave him a shot of rosephren (a super duper antibiotic) and then Caleb, Judah, and I headed down the street to have the xray done.  The semi-funny party of the xray was that the tech had to hold his cheeks and neck back because they are so fat they were getting in the way of the xray :)

 Once we finally got home, he had a good nap and woke up happier and without any fever.  The doctor called later that evening before 5 pm to tell me the xray came back and was negative for pneumonia!  Praise the Lord!!
 He still wanted us to come back in the morning to recheck again and make sure he was responding to that antibiotic and see if he needed another shot.  Poor guy.
 It is amazing how something like this very quickly shifts your focus.  This is the week before the musical.  I am in total overdrive with about a million things still to be taken care of.  It's also the last full week at school with preparations for class parties and celebrations in full gear.  We also have a million Christmas parties.  And still some Christmas shopping left to get done.  I had quite a list of things to do.  All of that came to a screeching halt today when they were talking about things like "flu" and "rsv" and "pneumonia" with my 4 month old baby boy.  None of that is going to happen.  We are going to stay home and get him healthy.  And that is what is my most important agenda item for the next few days.  Period.
 Starting to sit up on his own!!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Awww...sweet baby boy!!! I'm so thankful that he's going to be fine. I will tell ya that the Rosephen shot is terrible. It hurts like crazy. Christian & McKenna have both had it and they literally can barely walk afterwards. The antibiotic is super thick and it takes awhile for it to dissipate into their bodies. So bless that little boy's heart! We know all too well about how life comes to a screeching halt when someone gets sick. I'm sure you have lots of volunteers who want to snuggle with him until he's better!