Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sneak Peek

 Sunday.  Oh my.  We were all (7 of us) at church at 7 am.  Because of course I was singing in the 2nd service and had to be there for band rehearsal.  Before rehearsal started, the kids and I unloaded 10 apple pies, 4 dozen apple streusel muffins, 120 cookies, various props, and a pack and play from the van to be ready for the day :).  After church was over, I fed Judah and David and several other WONDERFUL volunteers helped to clear and set the stage for the musical.  Once that was done, David took the four older kids home (thank heavens for Little Caesars $5 pizzas!) to eat and rest a bit while Judah and I stayed.  I had some things I needed to do to prepare for dress rehearsal (make seating charts, finish attendance and thank yous, lay out props, meet with costume lady and lay out costumes backstage) and felt it would be easier just to stay and keep Judah with me.  At the last minute on Saturday night (at some point during the pie making process), I had the thought to bring my pack and play so that Judah could have a good nap.  It worked BEAUTIFULLY!  I set it up in the baptistry (shhh...don't tell Pastor Rocky) and he took a GREAT nap in there while I worked getting things set on the stage!!)

 During rehearsal, David kept Judah entertained...I can't believe he's BIG enough to sit in this!

Caleb gets to make a cameo appearance in this program as a raccoon - wait until you see him in action!!!  :)  It's going to be GREAT!

When I finally got home at 8 pm...after not having eaten anything (oops), I realized I was totally exhausted. It was a big rehearsal.  A crazy one.  The first dress rehearsal on stage always is.  There are 4 year olds up on stage and they don't know WHAT is going on!  So we got through it and have a few things to iron out to be ready for Saturday (when we VIDEOtape the rehearsal), but its coming together and the kids are doing an AWESOME job!  If I can just stay sane until then....

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