Friday, August 31, 2007


It's Friday -hooray! It's been a busy week with lots of fun!!! We started off the morning today with our daily trip to the Y for my workout, and then we met Jamie & her kids at the pool for some swimming fun! The boys had a ball (well, until Josiah announced he was so hungry and "laid out" in the sun for the rest of the time). Ryan got to wear goggles and a life jacket for the first time - he was so cute! If only my camera had a battery....(it's on the list of errands today!!) The boys (Mine, not Jamie's) were a little whiny (hungry + we had a late band practice last night and didn't get home until 9:30), but we still had lots of fun. Oh, and the water has started cooling down!!!

Gearing up for a long weekend. David's band has a gig every night this weekend through monday night, so I'm not quite looking forward to the long weekend like everyone else is. They are playing at the beach on Sat. & Mon. night, so we'll get to go see him and that will be fun. Can NOT believe that tomorrow is September!!!


anthonyandbeth said...

sounds like a GREAT day! sorry you'll be alone at night for the next few nights...maybe you can watch a "girly" movie or take a bath and go to be early?? Gotta make the most of a not so great situation! right?! Off to the store to get my groceries to cook! I'm sure I'll be calling because it's just really difficult to cook and not talk to you at the same time! :)

Jamie said...

Had a great time at the pool. I had my camera and should have taken a picture of the boys with their goggles on, they were so cute. At least the girls behaved and had a good time!

Heather J said...

Pool time is running out and I feel like I've hardly been!! Already can't wait til next year's pool season!!

Jayne said...

Maybe not such a family friendly weekend, but I'm sure David loves those band nights!!