Monday, August 13, 2007


Well, another milestone day for Miss Callie!! She had her first rice cereal tonight...and loved every bite of it!!! She ate it like she's been eating it all her life! The boys thought it was a RIOT that she could eat cereal, and Jacob LOVED feeding her!! I think it's hilarious that she's my smallest baby, yet is starting cereal earlier than either of the boys did!! She had been sleeping 10-12 hours at night for several months now and had started waking up around 4 -5 am in the last few weeks. She'd get herself back to sleep, but I knew that was a sign!! I half expected her to spit it out with her tongue, but she ate it like a champ. My little girl is growing up - she'll probably love food like the rest of the family! :)


Jayne said...

Way to go Callie! Fill that belly. Soon you'll be on to the lovely yellow and green vegs and Baby Alayna can teach you how to spit like a pro!! (sorry Heidi but it really was cute!) Enjoy those specail moments with big brother Jacob-he loves you soooo much!

anthonyandbeth said...

Yay Callie! I can't beleive it! You knew just how to let your mommy know what you needed! Waking up in the middle of the night always clues a mommy in that something is up! :) You seem like you like food just like your good friend Jackson! He was so excited to get something new, he never let a bit slip out of his little mouth and NEVER considered spitting any would go to waste! :) Good job Callie, you're getting to be a big girl and I can't wait to see you this week and give you a BIG hug and kiss! love you!

Heidi said...

Special cheers to Callie for her next milestone!!!!! Don't be sorry Jayne...these girls will put any boy to shame having their spittin contest. Now I have to say "sorry Katie" we really don't wish these bad habits on your sweet innocent girl.

Heather J said...

Wow, does time fly! I can't believe she's eating cereal already! Looks like she was ready to start chomping on something, given her picture knawing on her stroller!!! Another milestone to check off the list!

Vonda said...

Can you believe these babies grow so fast!!! It's great to have babies who love to eat and sleep too isn't it? -V