Thursday, June 7, 2012


A friend of mine posted some pictures of her 2nd grade son going off to camp with the kids yesterday.  She is a parent in my kids' choir program and recently had twins at the end of January.  It dawned on me that it would be fun for us to keep her babies and maybe give her and her husband a chance to get out for a date night - something that is probably hard to come by when you have twin babies!  She was so excited and agreed to it - their anniversary was just on Tuesday, so it was perfect timing!!!

 My kids were BEYOND excited when I told them the babies were coming over.  They were MORE than happy to help.  I'm beginning to worry that OUR new baby may never be allowed to touch the ground!!

 David is the one that always prayed for twins - here's what you always wanted David!  What do you think now?  :)  I was always very thankful that my babies came one at a time!
We had a great time with them - they are super sweet and absolutely precious.  Everything came right back (reassuring to know that I do still know what to do...) and it made me excited for our own baby that will be here in just a couple of months!  Yikes!


Courtney said...

you are amazing!

Judy said...

My goodness... look at you! Two kids just wasn't enough so you had to borrow some for the night! What a nice friend you are!