Friday, June 8, 2012

Camp Pictures

The boys' camp counselors were both friends of ours, and they sent us these pictures of the boys...made my heart happy to see them each day!!

 This picture came through at 6:42 am on Thursday!!!  He was up and fishing...bless his camp counselor for getting up so early to take him fishing.  He actually caught a fish - first time!  Can't you see the excitement all over his face?  :)  Just like his daddy....
 The annual shaving cream fight.....a highlight every year!
 I got this picture of Jacob on Friday morning... I noticed that he was wearing the same shorts that I sent him in on Wednesday along with his jammie shirt....
 Sleepy head Jacob...we got this picture of him on Thursday.  They do awards at the end of camp and Jacob got a hairbrush for "Best Bed Head".  :)  Can you see how tired he was?  :)
 David picked them up at church at 4:30 pm on Friday and Jacob fell right asleep in the car on the way home.  
I let him watch a show when he got home while we waited for Josiah to get back from teaching his karate jr. instructor lesson.  He was practically comatose.  
They said they totally loved it and can't wait until next year!  :)

1 comment:

Judy said...

Love the bed head award! So funny!