Thursday, September 27, 2007
We're going camping....
His "Woman"
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A Nice, Relaxing Beach Afternoon
And then, to top it all off, the Titans won their Monday night game last night - big time!!! Go Titans!
Monday, September 24, 2007
And so God, there are some people of Atlantic Shores today that are hurting right now and confused and a little scared too. But You will be our God and we will be your people.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Our first family run!
We're Activated!!!
This morning was our first race as a family!!! It was not a REAL race, but the Y was sponsoring an "Activate America" day today down at our AAA baseball stadium. What fun we had! They had lots of fun activities and games for the kids, a Christian man there who has won Strongest Man competitions and pulled a BUS for us, and of course the 1 mile fun walk/run. We had a blast! Josiah has been looking forward to this all week (so was I), and we had a great time! They had everyone out in the parking lot to do our "stretches" together (and they did this hilarious "cha cha" song that I looked ridiculous doing (one of my 8 things should have been that I CAN'T DANCE!), and then we were off! And since most everyone was walking, Josiah and I led the pack!! We had so much fun - they had Y workers all along the course to show us the way, and they were cheering him on, clapping for him, it was too cute!!! It's gotten me very excited for the next REAL race for me!!! A very fun morning!!!
Oh, and Callie finally got to try green veggies today. Green beans - definitely did NOT like them!!! The boys got a KICK out of seeing that!!! We'll try again tomorrow!
Friday Night...and 7 kids!
Seth was so cute with Callie. He said that "she really loves when you play peek-a-boo...but you have to do it two times before she'll smile!"
Here they all are (well, Callie was in bed already). Going around the table, it's Joel Albritton, Anna Claire Albritton, Jacob, Seth Albritton, Harris Albritton, and Josiah. And the pizza they all inhaled!
Seth, Anna Claire, Joel, and Jacob building yet another track.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Be Still
"The Lord will fight for you; You need only to be still." Exodus 14:14
I loved it! It's in the passage talking about Moses and the Hebrews leaving Egypt. They begin to see the Egyptians coming after them and they are panicking and crying out "Why did you bring us would have been better for us to stay in Egypt." Moses tells them to stand firm and rest assured that God will deliver them, and then says that verse. I just LOVED it - if only we could really Be Still and know that HE is God more often!! I've enjoyed my "still" time this afternoon!! Thanks for that reminder, God!
Along those same lines, Josiah is excited about getting to run a "race" with me this Saturday. The Y is doing an "Activate America" 1 mile walk and so I thought it was the perfect opportunity for our whole family to get to go. I'd love to be able to borrow a double jogging stroller (does anyone have one I could borrow for Sat?) so that David could run WITH me. Otherwise, Josiah and I are going to do it, and David will have the little two in the stroller. Wouldn't we be a cute family all running together? We're excited - Josiah's REALLY excited. He was putting his flip flops on this morning and said "I'm going to save my new sneakers for our race on Saturday!" I'll probably be sweatier than he will be!
So we're off to a good start. It's been a long week already. Some very trying afternoons with the boys, David's been gone each night for different things, lots on our plate. Last night I was in bed at 8:30 pm - I just couldn't handle anymore. It felt good to have a FULL night's sleep like that, and the gym topped off my therapy! I feel much more in control of things today!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
She's trying to crawl...
An AWESOME Sunday!!!
Goin' Bowling!!!
Josiah insisted on doing it completely on his own. He was very serious as he watched the ball go down the lane. (And you see Jacob just watching the ball returner!)
I totally forgot to post about our Friday night activity!!! We decided to go bowling!! It was so much fun!! The boys had seen an episode of Curious George during the week and he went bowling, so they asked about if we could go. It was absolutely hilarious - Josiah was SO excited, and of course Jacob just wants to do whatever he's doing. The boys were a riot - they thought it was great that they could carry the bowling balls and throw them down all by themselves. Callie was content to hang out and watch all the action. David & I hadn't been in YEARS - before we had children - and I was astounded at how much nicer bowling alleys are now! We had a blast! Oh - and I didn't take a picture of the scoreboard, but let's just say that I GREATLY benefitted from bringing kids with me - the rails in the gutters are GENIUS!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
A Great Weekend...and still 1 more day to go!
Friday, September 14, 2007
I'm with the Band!
Workin' Out!
Monday, September 10, 2007
The culprit...
What a Monday!!!
What a day!!! I'll keep this very brief, but it was a crazy morning!! On my way home from the Y this morning, the plumber called and said he could be on his way over to fix a leaky pipe that was discovered under the house. So we raced home, got a QUICK shower, called Jayne to see if we could come hide out over there, packed the kids up, and off we went!! We had to be gone while they were working all day over here - jack hammers, concrete, etc, etc. Everything has been somewhat restored now - at least the pipe was replaced and our water meter has stopped running! I'll be taking a copy of the repair bills to City Hall tomorrow to have our water bills adjusted, but what a day!!
A BIG thank you to Jayne and Grayson who let us crash their day! The kids had a BLAST - they enjoyed Mickey Mouse clubhouse toys most of the day and Josiah loved some new games (love those consignment sale games!) What fun - the boys thought it was the best day ever - playing with Grayson, Wendy's for lunch, seeing a jackhammer in the plumber's truck, wet concrete in the house - what could be better, right?
Even if they ARE Cowboys fans....
And here are the boys - they had a blast!!! (Joshua was woken up early from his nap, and wasn't super happy about that fact). They had a blast together though!
A LOT of time was spent playing trains together - all 5 of the big kids crawling around this track. Hilarious!
Rebekah and Josiah - our BIG kids - working hard on some masterpieces for the parents during rest time.
All of our precious children - Jacob, Josiah, Joshua, Rebekah (holding Callie), Bailey. I am so thankful for these friends!
Oh -and picking up 6 kids from Sunday School was exhausting! :) And the Titans AND Cowboys won on Saturday! :)
Friday, September 7, 2007
I can see much better now!
It's a Slip & Slide, Mom!
Service with a Smile!
When I was finished running this morning, I was logging it in the FitLinx system, and the screen started flashing this "congratulations" note to me - apparently I hit the 15,000 point mark (they assign points for cardio minutes, weight lifted, etc). I think this means I get free socks or something like that! :) I was a bit embarrassed, I will admit!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
It's on it's way....
Big morning already and hoping for a slightly easier afternoon. Gearing up for a big weekend with some dear friends coming in town on Saturday!!! Yahoo!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
A Mom's Prayer on the First Day of School
Here we are again, Lord. Their backpacks are loaded and their faces are scrubbed and their lunch accounts are full.And I know you'll walk with them, Lord. You always do. But a mom still has to ask.Will You walk with them? Will You whisper to them what they need to hear, when I'm not there to whisper it?Will You please, oh please, cover their school with the protection only You can give, and will You keep harm far away?Will You make their minds strong and ready to learn? Will You help them understand that hard work honors the One who created them?Will You guide their teachers, giving them patience and wisdom and creativity and more patience? Will You bless them for their efforts?Will You love all those children there, the ones whose lunch accounts aren't full, the ones who feel alone? Will You teach my children to be kind and unselfish and to love those who are different from them? Will You point them back toward home just as soon as you can?Lord, I give them to You today and everyday, trusting them to Your care. Amen.
(taken from another mom's blog)
Happy (???) Back to School!
To all you 1st day of school-ers - can't wait to hear how it goes today!!!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Happy Labor Day! (Glad I'm not in labor!!!)
We very much enjoyed our Sunday afternoon yesterday. David, Callie, and Jacob enjoyed a big nap after church, and Josiah and I enjoyed some time together & at the Y. I went ahead and got my run in, knowing that I probably wouldn't want to get up early today!! Then we headed to one of our city parks up the street for a picnic dinner. The Virginia Symphony played a concert, and upon arrival, we learned that they would be doing fireworks afterwards!!! It was quite a wonderful evening - nice and relaxing (thanks to David who took the boys every now and then to go run while the girls sat and listened to the beautiful music!). We all really enjoyed the peaceful family time. And the fireworks were GREAT!! It was a pleasant surprise to have those!!
Today, our cul-de-sac had a neighborhood cookout to celebrate the holiday and say goodbye to one of our neighbors that is moving to CA. It was great fun to get together with everyone (who doesn't love a Cookout!), and the kids (there are about 20 of them - literally - on our court) had a blast!!! They played a bunch of water games, and REALLY loved the Spiderman slip & slide!! That was Josiah's VERY favorite!! Tonight, we headed down to the oceanfront to hear David's band play at 31st street. The weather was beautiful, the kids enjoyed playing down at the water & in the sand for a while, and I always love to see my husband performing! A fabulous weekend for sure!!
Tomorrow is a big day for several friends of mine - their children start school tomorrow or Wednesday. Know that I am praying for each of you and your precious children too!!!!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Can you believe it's September? Really?
Yesterday afternoon was a long afternoon - David had to go straight to William & Mary after school to perform with his band, so we didn't get to see him at all. Just made for a long afternoon/evening. Today was a great family day though. We got some yard work done in the morning, which felt VERY good. (Counts as some kind of a workout, right? I didn't run this AM) Then after Callie woke up from her morning nap, we headed to Botanical Gardens. They were having a "birthday party" to celebrate their 1st birthday after building the Children's WOW gardens. It was so much fun! The boys loved getting to go back (we went on Tuesday with the Judd's) and show David everything they had seen. The staff had lots of different crafts and activities set up for the kids in honor of the "birthday", and even had birthday cake & juice!!! We spent most all of the day there - got to explore some new paths, walk around the "grownup garden" as Jacob called it, and just loved being outside together! David's getting very excited to take them camping - they just love being outside!! So it was quite fun.
We came home and all the kids were worn out! David headed down to the Oceanfront to sing again tonight, and the kids got baths and in bed early. 7 pm - all 3 kids completely asleep after our big adventure! Aaahhhhh. Nice and quiet for me tonight!!!