On Saturday morning, I got to go to the naval base and "Run with the Chiefs"! One of my friends had signed up for this race with her father-in-law, but ended up having to be out of town and offered to let me have her spot. I agreed - I'm all about a free race - and was excited! Until the whole food poisoning thing hit on Thursday night that is. I was fine, but it affected my time... Anyways, it was on base and the whole deal was that all of the new chiefs (a rank in the Navy) were having to run this (part initiation...part torture...part training for them), and so they were running in formation and doing all their cadences and everything. It was QUITE entertaining. There I am...little civilian girl....running in her black running outfit...hair in ponytail....running right next to all these crazy soldiers in formation, barking out their cadences...it was hilarious!
This is what we saw when we arrived. HUNDREDS of Navy chiefs lined up doing their pushups, jumping jacks, stretches...all while shouting out their cadences and stuff. It was a bit hysterical and a bit intimidating! I thought "what in the world have I gotten myself into!" The boys, of course, LOVED it! And Callie ran around clapping for everyone!
This was the boys' attempt at doing pushups like the soldiers. Jacob needed some help with his form (as you can see in the top picture!)
Here's the boys waiting for me near the finish (a 5K is 3.1 miles)
No kidding - this is what they looked like when I approaced the finish. All 3 kids (EVEN Callie), sitting on the curb, watching for me, and CLAPPING!! It was adorable! I love these kids. I love that they think these race mornings are SO fun!
This was me waving to them...boy did they make me smile!!! (Good thing too because the whole food poisoning thing on Thursday sort of left me more tired and winded than I should have been. I finished in 27 minutes, but was hoping for 25 had I been fully healthy. Oh well - it was still a good race)
you look awesome katy and the kids look adorable! i can see the big smile they gave you! :)
I love the pictures! You should have burst out a cadence of your own...my personal favorite is from "An Officer and a Gentleman"
"Raise your head up, raise it high...
The best in the regiment is runnin' on by"
Good grief! I'm not sure I could run 3 miles, food poisoning or not -- you go girl!
so many posts!!! what a fun little run!
So cute to have all your little supporters cheering you on!
Listen to you - "All about a free race" - you truly have become a runner. What a neat experience!
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