Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Good Shopping Day!

We were at Walmart this morning at 8:15 AM ready to go! Our freezers were completely empty - it doesn't usually happen, but I had used my last meal up this last week. Time to cook again! I am cooking for a client of mine this weekend as well, so off we were to shop for our 45 meals plus the 20 for my client. I knew it was a BIG shopping day, and decided to put Callie in the backpack carrier to allow for maximum cart usage! The boys were great - they were in superhero costumes and were Batman and Robin...very helpful superheros! They were thrilled to get a box of Transformer Fruit Snacks (a box of 10 bags for $1.50 is one of the BEST treats I've found for them!!) and then we were off to get an enormous amount of meat! :) We were finished up by 10:30, dropped our refrigerated and frozen stuff off at home, and then went straight to the pool! We lucked out and saw the Jansen Family there and enjoyed swimming with them for a few hours. The kids are down for naps and I've finally got all the groceries situated and ready for cooking this weekend. The best news? I saved $27 in coupons, and have another $10 rebate coming my way!!! Now THAT'S a good shopping day! :)


Jen said...

WOW - that's a lot of shopping and still enough energy to go to the pool. I bet the boys got a lot of smiles being in there costumes, that's a good idea, maybe I should take a very helpful princess with me next time.

anthonyandbeth said...

wow - 45 meals! i KNOW i won't be able to do that much my first time cooking again in the next couple of weeks! :) i bet those shopping carts WERE full! i so wish i could have been in the walmart and seen you walking by with your superheros, callie on your back, and FULL shopping cart! i bet you looked like one fun mommy! :)

anthonyandbeth said...

oh, next time you need to take your camera and have the sticker person take your picture!!! is the sticker person there that early??? :)

Mandy said...

That was an amazing shopping trip(s)! I cannot believe you didn't get a picture of all of you...that would have been one for the memory book for sure:) I'm with Beth, next time take your camera:)
We are so glad we ran into you at the pool yesterday! I think Sadie thinks that Josiah, Jacob and Callie are always supposed to be at the pool when we go...she talked about y'all all day yesterday! So fun!