Saturday, September 8, 2012


The weather has really been gorgeous lately.  We are getting a little taste of fall over here and we are LOVING it!  It cools off in the mornings and evenings (60s!) but still gets sunny and warm during the day (mid 80s), just not scorching hot like in the summer time.  It's been lovely!

 Of all the things on our summer list, we finally got to cross off what proved to be one of the hardest - "Play with Sage".  Sage is our neighbor and is Callie's age.  Callie was insistent upon adding it our summer list and it wasn't until NOW that we were able to cross it off!!  They travel almost every weekend to go visit family, and Sage is in daycare during the day.  We finally were all outside one late afternoon and got to play for a bit - success!!

 Sage has a little brother Beckham that is buddies with Caleb too.
 Judah got to come outside with us for a bit too...although it's so "bright" it's hard for him to keep his eyes open
Nice face on me, right?  That must be the face my kids see all the time...warning them about something perhaps??

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