Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Go Blowfish!

As part of a reading incentive program at the school sponsored by the Columbia Blowfish Baseball Team, the boys both read enough books to win the Home Plate Awards! They each won 4 tickets to the game, a free hot dog and soda, and the opportunity to walk in the pre-game parade! They were super excited! Who doesn't love a summer night at the ballpark? :) We left Callie and Caleb with Noah's mom, and he came along with us.
Some VERY excited boys!
Go PHES cougars!!! This is their wonderful principal - Mrs. Mitchum. She is WONDERFUL and I am SO thankful for her!
Walking across in the parade. The boys were in their own world talking about video game characters and almost stayed at the fence while the rest of their school walked out!!

Here's their school - they are WAY at the end of the line...almost didn't make it! :)

It was a really fun night. Small stadium. Not even a Triple A team I don't think - I think it's the level right below that. But very family friendly. It was a free night for us. Boys loved it and didn't know any different. We were 4 rows away from the field. They had the most hilarious mascot (Blowie) and little Blowie Jr. that absolutely were a riot!

A fun (and late!) evening for all of us. There's something relaxing about sitting outside on a summer night watching a ball game. (as David pointed out it was probably relaxing because we didn't have a 4 year old girl talking non-stop or a 1 year old boy that wanted to walk all over the stadium) :)