Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tuesday Fun!

We decided to keep Tuesday a little bit more low key. Everyone was ready for a little relaxing, and Kelli & I were ready to give our babies GOOD naps at their normal times finally! :)
Another round of Disney Cranium...
Callie did some "school" with Tutu - she sat and did the WHOLE workbook! Just kept turning the pages and wanted to do more! :) Reminds me of how Josiah was at that age...

It's always storytime with Aunt Kelli! That's what happens when your aunt has a Masters degree in Reading and is working on a Ph.D.!!!

Mom got Joseph and Caleb these little cell phones and the boys had a ball with them!
What's up Joseph?
Pretty much heaven, right Mom? Cup of coffee. On vacation. Two little grandbabies climbing around you. Pretty good stuff :)
We had ice cream cones for dessert - and it was Joseph's first one! He was a fan!
Caleb already KNEW he would love it!

Bath time!

No big day trips or adventures today - but lots and lots of fun just the same! :)

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