Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today's Lesson from School

Today's big lesson from school didn't have anything to do with a math concept. Not a thrilling science experiment. No new language skills or reading concepts. Had to do with a capri-sun. Yep - you know where this is going don't you.

On the first day of school, Josiah came home and said he couldn't get his chips open. It was a big deal because it's not often that he gets chips for lunch, but I thought it would be a fun treat for the first day of school. Well, apparently I'm a terrible mom for never buying the prepackaged stuff because he didn't know how to open the bag!! So when we got home, I showed him how and he's been fine since then. (yes, there are teachers in the cafeteria, but you have to be willing to ASK for help if you need it...something we're working on with him!).

So today I sent him a capri-sun for his lunch. It was the 100% juice kind, and I thought he'd enjoy it because he's always so thirsty, and it's bigger than the normal "juice boxes". Well, he got in the car and said he couldn't open it. Again, I said "did you ask for help?" He said he told the teacher he didn't need help because he thought he could do it, but then the hole went all the way through instead (all you moms know exactly what I'm talking about here, right?) At least he was okay with things - no tears, no drama. Just didn't have a drink.

So we get home and I pull out the lunch box...the capri sun is in there...and yes the hole went all the way through. But that means that there is JUICE everywhere!!! Soaked his lunch box. Soaked his backpack. I'm surprised he didn't have a wet spot on his back from carrying it!! His papers are a little wet, but not too bad. He had a book in there from home that is SOAKED! so that's the life lesson today. If you open your drink, you can't bring it back home in your lunch box!! THESE are the things that he's going to school to learn! :)


Judy said...

Oh what a sweet boy. That did have me laughing. I can picture the whole thing. Maybe tomorrow he'll get to enjoy his entire lunch :)

Annelise & Ethan said...

I can't believe the teacher didn't notice all of his wet stuff! My friend in NC just sent her son to Kindergarten for the first day yesterday. They won't allow chips, cookies, pudding cups etc. in the lunches. Craziness!

sandi said...

I am literally on the floor laughing because I can see the whole situation in my head! Fortunately tuition at NCS covers milk for lunch so I don't have to pack any drinks.

sandi said...
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sandi said...

I am literally on the floor laughing because I can see the whole situation in my head! Fortunately tuition at NCS covers milk for lunch so I don't have to pack any drinks.

Courtney said...

oh, poor josiah! this whole lunch thing is HARD, huh?? i remember rebekah asking me to open her water bottle tops before i put it in her lunch box...they are hard to open the first time!

anthonyandbeth said...

i just think this is so funny! he is just willing to go without a drink before he would ask for help. wow! harrison would NEVER go without a drink! he'd make sure his needs were met...ha ha ha!! it's always an adventure when you open up that lunch never know what might return! :)

The Stein Family said...

Poor guy! THat's too funny though...these are valuable lessons!