Tuesday, May 18, 2010

MORE strawberries!

We drug our friend Tyler back out to the strawberry fields with us on Tuesday!! My friend Beth had mentioned to me several weeks ago that they had NEVER been strawberry picking!! She's got 4 boys and her youngest is Tyler who is 4 years old. I told her that the next time we were going, she was going to come with me!

She and Tyler joined us on Tuesday and we had a great time! I will say that my kids weren't nearly as helpful with a playmate there, but we got our 6 baskets filled up! I was picking for a reason - David & I had decided to throw a dessert social on Wednesday night to thank the choir/orchestra for all the work they put in on the worship concert. My church used to do a strawberry social every year in May, so I stole the idea and ran with it! :)

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