What a fun morning I had with Jacob today!! We got to go to school this morning and see all the fun places he'll get to go next year at kindergarten!! He's pretty familiar with alot of it because of Josiah, but this day was all about JACOB! He loved it! His favorite parts were going into the library (and having the librarian show him where all his favorite books are...) and going into a kindergarten class (IN ACTION!!) and seeing all the fun they were having! I was so glad we had the chance to do this. We moved here last summer after school was already out, so Josiah never got to do this. It was so good for Jacob. He loved seeing the kids in their centers - seeing all the very cool things they were doing - he just loved it. He's going to do great too - I loved seeing him experience it all with HIS eyes - knowing that this was all going to be for HIM - not Josiah. After we were done seeing everything, we went and had lunch with Josiah. Both boys were super excited about this because I told them that I was going to have Jacob buy a lunch too. (Trying to avoid the trauma that Josiah had the first time he had to buy his lunch at school:) ). They thought it was very fun to do this together. It was great. I can't believe he's going to be starting kindergarten in the fall. He is really growing up. It's going to be great, I just know it!! :)
Wow, how fun for Jacob. When did he turn 5 Katy? Was it November? Emmah doesn't meet the deadline for 5 for K. this year being Dec. B-day.
oh this is so fun! i can't believe these boys are growing up so fast. i know you are SO proud of your BIG BOYS! :)
Can you believe our little men are about to be KInDERGARTNERS???????? Wow!!!! Anderson had his Kindergarten round-up and screening recently - - can't believe it's around the corner! Where has time gone?????
I cannot BELIEVE he is starting K!!!! It seems like JUST yesterday I was peeking in on him in his CRIB!!! :) Baby boy...he's going to have SOOO much fun!!! :)
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