Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Quiet Saturday

A wonderful Saturday so far. Enjoyed the last basketball games of the season with our boys. They have so improved this season. They gave 100% effort all the time - got hot and sweaty, learned a lot, and had GREAT attitudes all season long. So proud of them both...and glad to have a break now and my Saturdays back (until soccer starts at the end of March that is).

The week was GREAT - we so enjoyed having our friends over for the week. Those Shipman boys were sweet as pie - so well behaved, very helpful - never heard a complain or a whine from them. I was constantly counting heads and looking at the clock all week so that I didn't leave someone somewhere or forget to pick someone up - but we loved having them! The house feels so quiet now!

Worked some more on my blog - finished posting through Thanksgiving! :) It's fun reliving vacation memories...and I'm on a roll now. Hoping to get some more work done tonight. David's taking the boys to a Pit Crew night at church to work on their AWANA grand prix cars....Josiah's picked a Hershey car design and Jacob wants to do a shark, so we'll see what they come home with tonight!

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