Thursday, September 9, 2010

Still Here!

I'm sorry my posts have been so sporadic here lately, but I'm still here! We've just been settling into life. I feel like we are in a good routine now with school and all the "extras". This week has the last of the "start-ups" - so everything will now fully be in gear. The boys are still loving school and are in great routine with that. They started karate back in August and to say they "love" it would be the understatement of the year. They each have class 2x a week, so we've had to be creative with the logistics - thankfully we've worked out some carpooling which helps, and it's only 5 minutes from the house! This week started up AWANA (jacob is so excited to finally get to be a sparkie with josiah!), my biblestudy, and children's choir also!

This morning was the first of biblestudy. After taking last year off, which was the wise decision, but a hard one nonetheless, I was anxious to get back into it. After praying about it for a while, I was able to get approval from the church to lead a biblestudy from my house on Thursday mornings. yippee! This enables those of us that live out "here" to be a part of a biblestudy during the week without having to drive all the way up to church. There is a church down the street from me that has a mother's morning out program from 9-12 noon on Thursdays, so Callie is going there. Caleb is still taking a morning nap, so he stays at home with me and sleeps the whole time! It worked out perfectly today - and I'm excited to be back! There were 10 other ladies that have joined me in this study - we're doing Beth Moore's new study on Revelation and we are excited!! Good to be back!

Children's Choir. It starts Sunday night. And I'm in charge of it this year! David's accompanist has been leading it for-EVER, but when she resigned a few weeks ago, it left a hole for children's choirs. After MUCH prayer on this one, I agreed to step in. I haven't led children's choir since we lived in Memphis. But it is a love of mine - i do SO love to see children engaged and participating in worship. So I'm excited. Quite nervous. But excited. The musical that they are doing for Christmas is going to be fabulous - they're going to love it. If I can just not mess it up!!

So we're off to a big start. I feel like I need about 3 days to catch up on my sleep, but that won't happen so I keep pushing through. My days feel calmer and more productive, but my afternoons definitely feel crazier and busier with 2 in school and all the after-school stuff that we have going on. Flag football starts in a few weeks and that will be one more thing. But I'm thankful. Thankful for so many things. For happy, healthy children. For a wonderful husband that has SO much on his plate (still no assistant....) and yet still loves me so well. For the opportunities that our kids are involved in that are honoring to God! We're winding down to the last chunk of training. David's half-marathon is in November, and mine is in October. I'm definitely feeling stronger these days and working towards getting back in all my pre-Caleb clothes. :)

So I'm still here...don't want you to think I've forgotten about all of you! :)


sandi said...

been wondering where you were my friend. actually every time i walk into my laundry room (which is ummm, quite frequently) i see a single pale purple hanger on the hanger rack. came from your house years ago and i still have not returned it. but funny thing is i don't use it either. not sure why. sounds like you are busy just like us ~ why does everything start with the school year?

Judy said...

I'm glad to hear from you! You sound super busy. It makes my life feel calm just reading all that!

anthonyandbeth said...

loved catching a bit more of the details of what's going on with you. :) i love all the details you know.