Friday, November 7, 2008

mmmm...and all is right again....

Jacob and Callie have long since been asleep. Finished cleaning up the kitchen from dinner. Laundry is going again. I have an episode of Extreme Home Makeover on in the background. And my Amish Friendship Bread is in the oven! YUM! My neighbor gave me a starter 10 days ago, and today I finally got to bake it - I'm SO excited! I haven't had a starter for this in YEARS - you know the recipe, right? It's the one where you get the mystery starter that sits on your counter for 10 days and you do practically nothing except squeeze the bag. So today was the day to bake it and it smells delicious. Aaah....And now I have an extra starter in case anyone is interested! :)


Mandy said...

Yes, I would love a starter for one! It has been forever since those have circulated...they're so good:) I think I'll need the instructions again though.

The Stein Family said...

That's that stuff I asked you about a while back -- still haven't tried it myself, wish I lived close enough to get it from you. Maybe I'll look for a recipe and start one here!

Natalie said...

Ahhh....wish my day was as heavenly. So thankful to have you as a friend today:) You were so kind to Sandy this morning. Also, love the other posts, just am lacking the time to comment on each:) Boys in the bed...too cute. Callie and the cupcake...LOVE IT!

anthonyandbeth said...

thanks for my starter! all the way from VA!!! :) i've been squeezing...