Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Open House!

Last night we took Josiah to the open house at ASCS to see where he'll be going to Kindergarten. He was very excited (after making sure that he wasn't going to "start doing his math problems there until AFTER summer). Because David teaches there, we are very familiar with the school - but everything seems a little different when it's YOUR child!!! We were so excited to get to see where Josiah's classroom is and spend some time with his teacher, Mrs. Mulford. She is WONDERFUL and is on the same page that we are with philosophy of education, etc, etc. It means so much to know that we will be in agreement on those very important values. Josiah loved her, loved the class, and will be ready to start in the fall, I'm sure!! It was an exciting night for him!


Jayne said...

It's another milestone for you and for him! I'm sure he will love it there, and you also as you'll have one less for the mornings! Everyone wins!! I'm glad he loved his new teacher. It'll give him something to look forward to for the Fall.

Courtney said...

please. i'm so sure that he's going to kindergarten! what did it do to YOUR heart??

Jen said...

Oh my...what a step...kindergarten. Mrs. Mulford is wonderful and he is going to have such a fabulous time. I remember all those moms standing at the door dropping their babies off for Kindergarten. As a young teacher, I was like, what's the big deal, it's just a couple of hours. Now as a mom, I get it, and it's a lot different when it's your baby!

the mccollums... said...

KINDERGARTEN?!?! :) How awesome...I can't believe the fall will be here before you know it! I hope to be teaching kindergarten again too next fall...i need to start looking ASAP! I miss my kindergarten class from last year...I had the best, supportive moms ever! Yeah for Josiah!!

anthonyandbeth said...

i'm so excited for Josiah! he is going to love school and going to feel like such a big boy come the Fall! he'll have lots of fun things to fill Jacob in on, I'm sure! :) you've done such a great job preparing him, Mrs. Mulford is going to love him to pieces! i just can't believe how big these boys are getting!!! oh my goodness!!! we'll be looking forward to hear all about the BIG FIRST DAY come the Fall!!! :)

Natalie said...

WOO HOOO! I am so excited that I will be seeing him in the halls next year! I know he and Parker will be in different classes but they will still get to play together. Hooray!!!

Jamie said...

how exciting for him and for you! i am sure he will do wonderfully, cause i know that you will have prepared him well! can't wait to hear how much he loves it!

Mandy said...

So fun that Josiah and Jake will be in the same Kindergarten class next year! It will be great sharing the year(s) with you guys!

Heidi said...

OOhh, I bet he is so excited!!! It sounds like he has a love for learning. It will be a whole new fun filled world for him.

Heather J said...

What a huge step!!! So exciting, another milestone coming up!