Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Another Free Meal!

It was another freebie day yesterday at Chick-fil-A! (I kept meaning to blog about it, but with all the race stuff last week, never got around to it. Several of you emailed ME to tell me about and make sure I know - seeing as how you all know how much I love free stuff...so I'm assuming you all knew about it too) If you wore something with a football team logo on it (NFL or College), you got a free 3 piece order of their new Chicken Strips! Yum! So all 5 of us headed out to pick ours up last night. Our neighborhood ended up doing a cookout, so we brought ours along with my Ranch Potato Salad and chocolate-oatmeal-chip cookies to share. Very fun!

Before everyone freaks out, NO our family is not divided on team loyalties. We are TITANS fans! Period! However, we didn't have enough to go around, so we had to improvise. David had a Jets jersey from when his band sang at a Halloween party last year, and Callie was wearing a Steelers t-shirt from the superbowl that someone gaves us. The boys used to have litle Titans outfits that fit them when they were toddlers, but they've grown out. So they wore tshirts of mine and David's - they were like dresses! Hilarious. I guess we need to add to our Christmas list for this year "Titans paraphenalia that FITS us"! :)


Judy said...

Oh man, we missed it!!

anthonyandbeth said...

look at y'all! you sure do know how to make the most of something "free"! :)

Jen said...

Yummy! We did it too, and even have leftovers for dinner tonight!

Heidi said...

I remember seeing that, but forgot all about it....Shoot!!

The Stein Family said...

I remember last year's neighborhood Labor Day picnic was also our goodbye party :( on the brighter side, Fresno, CA is getting their 1st Chick-fil-a this month!!!!!

Jayne said...

Is it because I don't read the paper EVER that I miss all this stuff?!

The Hudson Family said...

I have yet to catch a free meal! OK, Katy, would you give us a couple days notice??? :-) How 'bout a personal email!? I don't know if we would have had the shirts for all!
Very cute pic of your precious family!

dandsratz said...

HOW FUN FUN FUN!!!! What a memorable season of "free meals!!" he he!! :)

Heather J said...

yep, we joined in too - except that we were GA bulldawgs! Sure were yummy!