Thursday, September 17, 2009

I THOUGHT I had it together...

caution: rambling ahead

So last night we had a late night at church. We not only had choir/AWANA, but I'm singing with the band next week (for the first time post-baby), so we (the kids and I) had to stay late for band practice. We got home around 10 pm, fed the baby and put everyone in bed. This morning was a full one. It was David's first morning of men's prayer breakfast/biblestudy, so he left the house at 6 am. This meant that I would be taking Josiah to school today, along with the other 3 kids! (David and I usually alternate taking Josiah to school, but usually the other kids stay home with the other parent). But things went rather smoothly. Caleb woke up at 6:30 to eat (yes, he did 8 hours last night again!), I got everyone else (myself included) dressed and ready, Josiah ate his breakfast, packed his lunch, and out we went for school at 7:15 am. I thought to myself (as i'm buckling callie in) - "wow, I've got it pretty together today. Kids had happy hearts, everything got done, we're right on time. it's amazing what a full night of sleep does for you"! So then i get in the car and look in the rear view mirror to back out of the driveway and i notice that I don't have any make up on, and my hair isn't done!!! Hilarious. After I dried my hair this morning, Caleb woke up, and so I never came back to finish my morning "routine" of getting ready. Whoops! I guess I need more than one good night sleep! :)


dandsratz said...

Katy!! This is HILARIOUS!!!!! Oh the days of being a mommy!!!! :) There are days when I forget, and will walk by a mirror at 2PM and think, "OH WOW...I never made it back upstairs!!" He he!! :)

anthonyandbeth said...

this is SO funny! at least you got your teeth brushed. right??? you did get your teeth brushed? right? :) i think you did pretty good. imagine what a full night's sleep on a regular basis will do for you. you'll be back to super mom, putting us all to shame in no time! :)

The Stein Family said...

Still -- you did great! I keep thinking I'm going to forget Matthew somewhere (He's too quiet, esp in comparison to Clara and Jonathan). I'm constantly lookng in the rearview mirror to be sure he's still along for the ride!

Tiffany said...

Katy, this is hilarious....we all have done this a time or two. I have taken a shower dryed the hair and than gotten kids ready to remember that I am not finished with me. Funny stuff.....I don't want to know what we will be forgetting when we are 60 and 70 years old.ha.ha.ha

Heidi said...

You are a riot, but ya gotta love it!!! One day when it all about us again that's going to weird us out in a new kinda way. Here's to loving and taking care of our babies!!