Saturday, March 23, 2013

Rank Tests and Birthday Parties

 Saturday was kind of a crazy day.  Jacob had a karate rank test (you can tell how hot and sweaty it was in the dojo from this picture!!), and then we also had two different birthday parties to be at.  One was a party for Callie's friend Kelly (lots of little girls...Callie was in hog heaven), and the other was for our friend Tyler.  
 Judah's friend Molly was at Tyler's party, and the two enjoyed getting reacquainted :).  They were born just a few days apart, and Molly's mom Katie and I enjoyed getting caught up while these two chatted :)
"Look Molly!  If you get up on your hands AND knees, you'll be able to start MOVING places!" says Judah.
"You want me to do what?!?" says Molly.

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