Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Nice, Normal Week So Far!

The last two days have been really nice!! We've felt like it's slowed down now that we've made it through birthday parties, trips to DC, Halloween festivities, etc, etc. We've not been up to anything crazy except our normal weekly stuff, and it has felt so good!! It's raining today, and it's just felt good to lay low. After getting back from the gym this morning, the boys and I cuddled up on the floor with pillows & blankets and read some books by candlelight. Storytime was great, the kids are all down for their naps, and I'm off to get some cooking done. I'd really love to curl up and take a nap of my own, but I need to finish a few meals up for a client. It's been good to take a deep breath. Oh, and I've ALMOST agreed to train for the half-marathon in March. Kelli's beside herself with excitement, so we'll see!!! Courtney, you could come down and do it with me!!!! :)


Courtney said...

WOW!!! i'm so impressed, katy! i'll think about it...

anthonyandbeth said...

sounds like the perfect start to a fabulous week! you have been mighty busy lately so it's good to see things slow down for you a bit. very exciting about the race! i'm sure you'll enjoy every minute of getting ready for it. running is your new passion! :)

Jen said...

We've had the same kind of week - nice and relaxing!

Courtney said...

ok. i'm back. so, reading your post makes my heart ache. ENJOY these days with all your kids at home! i already feel like our family is being "pulled apart" - and it's just rebekah! those days of them all at home were hard, but oh so sweet!

the mccollums... said...

do it! do it! do it! do it!! :) I think we are going to do a half-marathon too...it would be cool to find the same race and meet at?! :)

Jayne said...

WOW Katy! That's amazing. You should do it, you are sooo dedicated to the gym right now. Take the chance while it's here. live life with no "I wonder if..."