Thursday, November 1, 2007

Alive and Kicking...but WAY BEHIND!

Yes, we're back and alive and kicking, but I'm so behind on so many things!! Blogging is one of them, and unfortunately it's at the bottom of the list!! Too many other things to catch up on. This morning, the boys were sleeping in a bit, and I decided we should stay home this morning and have a calm, play morning. It's been great - the boys and I have been doing play-doh for the last 45 minute while Callie is sleeping. Praying she has a GREAT nap - been a hard few days for her. Planning to get the gym after she wakes up, but how we have enjoyed our quiet morning today!!! Eventually I'll get pictures from our marathon weekend in DC posted - it was AMAZING!


anthonyandbeth said...

glad you guys are alive over there. starting to worry. i can't imagine why blogging would be at the bottom of the list though. :)

Jen said...

Vacations are fun, recovering is not!

Heidi said...

I love that Believe, Conquer and Train!! Katy you are going to be out there next running that marathon. You are on your way!!! So glad you had such great family time. I can't wait to get my mom and sister time in a few weeks. I'm counting the days!!!

dandsratz said...

YEAH!!! The Schrodts are home!!! I haven't talked to you all week!!! You have definetely be getting caught up!! Those full days at home, and slow mornings are always the best!! :) Welcome Home!!!

Judy said...

I'm glad your back to blogging!! It's funny how you get used to checking everyones blogs!

Jayne said...

Welcome home! Can't wait to hear all about it at small groups!