Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday...with Old Traditions and New Responsibilities

It's been a lovely Saturday here at our house. Morning started out with my big 9 mile run, and it felt great!! Last week's knee pain is history, and I felt really good and strong, and finished with a great time of 91:36!!! Hooray!! Next Saturday is up to 10 miles, which is going to be a BIG milestone - very excited about it. I had a bridal shower later in the morning, and it was a brunch (which worked out well since I was FAMISHED after running). It made me feel VERY old though - it's been so long since I've been to a shower other than a BABY shower. Our 10 year anniversary is approaching this summer, and I definitely felt like an old married lady a wee bit!!!

Tonight, Miss America was on and it was fabulous!! I won't spoil it by saying who won (in case any of you DVR'd it), but it was a fun evening. My sister Kelli and I always watch it together - and have since we were kids (I know, there's so many reasons why beauty pageants are the worst things EVER, but we LOVE them!) So since we live states apart, we call each other on the commercial breaks to compare notes and chat about it - it's hilarious!!! This year, they did a 4-week reality show leading up to the competition and we got the biggest kick out of it. What entertainment for the evening.

The other big news of the weekend is that I found out that I was selected to be a guest blogger/commenter for the State of the Union address on Monday!! Yikes - talk about a lot of pressure!!! I was selected by our newspaper, and my comments will appear on the blog and may be published in the paper!! Talk about a lot of responsibility!!! What a weekend so far!


Unknown said...

Katy, your time is fabulous! Truly, that is such an achievement. I remember not so long ago when you blogged about finishing 2 miles! Everyone is so very proud of your accomplishments. Keep up the incredible work. It is good to know you are not just doing it for you, but for you children and husband as well. You are helping ensure a healthy future for yourself. That is admirable and selfless!

the mccollums... said...

youre a guest blogger for the State of the Union??? Seriously, that is awesome! I love it! No pressure.

Congrats on the 9miler!! You are doing a fab job on it all...I'm looking to you in this area. :)

jenn said...

WOW!!!! for the state of the union AND the state of your running! hi!! you are a rockstar!!! :) :)

Natalie said...

Holy cow!!! Ten miles! Yikes. I am so proud of you...I knew you could do this and you look GREAT!!! By the way, guest blogger....serious pressure. But you always have a way with words, so I know you will be great!

Jen said...

Okay - 9 miles - you go girl.
The Miss America Pageant gave me the giggles - but I kind of liked the laid back style of it this year.
I've been hearing about blogs for the primaries, but not for the State of the Union Address. How cool to actually have your opinion heard. Make sure you keep us informed on it.

anthonyandbeth said...

sounds like a very big Saturday indeed! Way to go on the big run! Amazing that your almost up to 10 miles! I am SO PROUD of you!!! Funny about the shower. It is weird to think how we are quickly becoming "old" married women. A lot has happened in the past 10 years of your life and I know you treasure EVERY memory! So how did you get chosen for the blog thing??? Recored Miss America, thank you for not spoiling it! ;) Sounds like you've had a GREAT weekend!

Mandy said...

You, old? Puh-leeze! If you're old, then I'm old, and I am definitely not ready to admit to that yet! You do have us by 4 years on the wedding anniversaries, but I know what you mean about the ratio of baby to bridal showers being way unbalanced! We probably won't hit a bridal shower spurt until we're marrying off our kids...YIKES!!

Very cool about the state of the union blogging...and the running.

Jayne said...

Who doesn't love Miss America??!!! I'm a diva, prissy princess at heart, and I secretly watch it every year too.

Congrats on the running. Who knew when you started to just lose baby weight that you'd be a die hard running fan!!

Heather J said...

I'm so proud that one of my friends will be 'representin' as a blogger!! I'll actually be doing a speech at work in 2 weeks and the title of my speech - "Confessions of a Mommy Blogger". This bloggin' sure is fun!

Courtney said...

katy - AWESOME time on your run - wow!!! i can't wait to run with you one day!

the mccollums... said...

i'm thinking of you tonight as the state of the union just begun! I'm noticing the demenor of Sen. Clinton as the whole introducing and clapping was least when teh TV was on her she wasn't even clapping for our President! What disrespect and anger she shows. Oh, just my make us proud as you represent hte Bloggers. :)

Judy said...

I was praying for you tonight as the State of the Union was on! As someone said are a "rock star." Love ya!!

Heidi said...

You go girl...great job on your comments!! And your run...Way To Go!!! You are more than half way to your goal!!!